India Desk

NRE Account and NRO Account expertise

Doha Bank has built a highly experienced team of professionals, qualified to offer advice and guidance on NRI financial services. So if you have a specific or general query then please contact any of the team members within our India Desk.

If you would like to open an NRE or NRO Account then the linked forms below can be completed and brought to us.

*Terms & Conditions apply

To open your NRI Account contact India Desk

India Desk

Branch Name Location Contact details
QATAR Doha Bank, Direct Sales Unit,
Main Branch Building, 3rd Floor,
Grand Hamad Street,
PO Box 3818,
Doha, Qatar.
Mr. Senthil kumar –
+974 4015 4382
+974 7446 0200

Mr. Imthiyas Haroon –
+974 4015 4383
+974 7794 9235

UAE – DUBAI Doha Bank, Dubai Branch,
21st Century Tower,
Sheikh Zayed Road,
P O Box: 125465,
Dubai, UAE.
+971 4 4073165
KUWAIT Doha Bank, Kuwait Branch,
Ahmed Al Jaber Street,
Prime Tower, Block No. 5, Plot No. 23,
P.O.Box 506, Safat 13006, Sharq, Kuwait.
+965 2291 7238 / 2291 7219 / 2291 7205 / 2291 7278

For more information click

Or Email:

You can save time by saving the downloadable NRI Account-opening form and Form No. 60 to your computer and pre-completing them before you pop to your closest branch:


Doha Bank’s retail, commercial and corporate products are granted at our sole discretion and are subject to the Bank’s terms, conditions and acceptance.