Our platform allows you to invest and trade in FX, US Stock Markets and Commodities 24/7 on desktops or mobiles and manage your portfolio easily from a single Doha Bank account.
- Place orders and monitor positions anywhere you go.
- Trade from the watchlist, the dedicated trade ticket or directly from the chart in real time.
- Apply technical analysis and annotations in just a few clicks with the brand-new charting package.
- Receive trade confirmations through instant push notifications sent directly to your smartphone.
- Personalise the watchlist to keep an eye on the instruments that matter most.

Foreign Exchange (FX)
- Trade a wide range of FX instruments from one single account.
- Place orders and monitor positions anywhere you go.
- 100+ currency pairs traded as Spot and Forwards.
- Trade precious metals – Gold, Silver & Platinum.
- Transparency in pricing, execution and liquidity.
- Stop-loss protection.
- Trade on 15% cash margin.
- Fully customized orders helps achieve an optimal balance between fill ratio and price level, through an order driven execution model.
Foreign Exchange Forwards (FX)
- Hedge your currency risk using simple forwards.
- Enter into forward contracts with maturities up to 1 year.
Foreign Exchange Options (FX Options)
- Plain vanilla options help you execute less risky strategies, where the maximum loss is limited to the upfront premium paid and potential upside is unlimited.
- They allow you to express a view on the market moving higher, lower or sideways, or to take a view on future volatility.
- Provide more alternatives in relation to controlling risk, and can be used as a viable alternative to using a stop loss order.
- Maximum loss in an Option trade is limited to option premium paid, while the potential upside is unlimited.
- FX Vanilla Options are available on 40 currency pairs with European-style expiry.
The DB Global Markets platforms offer you access to US and European stock markets – NYSE, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, Bats Pan European.
Competitive pricing – Smart order routing makes it possible to offer better prices and thus lower transactional costs.
Quality execution – Benefit from a wide range of order types, including Market, Limit, Stop and Algorithmic orders.
Research and Analysis – powerful research tools such as Stock Screener, charting capabilities and access to in-house and third-party analyses.

Please give us more details for us to assist you
This information is solely for informational purposes and nothing contained within is intended to be an invitation, solicitation or offer by Doha Bank to sell, or buy, receive or provide any product or service, or to participate in a particular trading strategy. Distribution of this information to you is only as may be permissible by the laws of your jurisdiction, and is not directed to or intended for distribution or use by recipients resident or located in jurisdictions where its use or distribution would be contrary to those laws or regulations, or in jurisdictions where Doha Bank would be subject to additional licensing or registration requirements. Doha Bank in no way provides any financial, legal, taxation or investment advice to you in connection with any product or service discussed in this information. Before making any investment decision, recipients should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to their particular circumstances.
Doha Bank’s retail, commercial and corporate products are granted at our sole discretion and are subject to the Bank’s terms, conditions and acceptance.