
Land that million, today!

The Al Dana Saving Bank Programme from Doha Bank gives you a chance, an opportunity, a once in a life time opportunity to...


Comfort with money

Yes, money is important. Even if we tried to ignore this fact we can’t. Money is the tool that enables us to buy...


Never. Ever. Give Up!

You don’t want to be known as someone that is weak and gives up. Go out there and prove to yourself that you...


Invest Smartly. Save!

Experience with investing shows that there are several overarching investment principles to increase your chances of long term success. Doha Bank’s Al Dana...


How to make the first million?

Building your wealth starts with earning that first million. Once earned its easy to multiply and earn more money. Making the first million,...


Multiply your wealth

As you already know, the first million is the most difficult to make and then it multiplies easily. Money is important as it...